Thursday, September 3, 2009

Southern Living, 7th Grade Continued

Well, last time I got started in the 7th grade. I quit the blog after my cousin, Billy Hood got his comeuppance from my Dad. That was really bad. I didn't mean any harm to Billy, as I said, me and Freddie had us a contest going.
Anyhow, my football career started and ended in the 7th grade. Went out for PeeWee football as they called it in those days. Now I was and am and have been since the age of 5, a big old boy. I played right guard and tackle. I really did enjoy playing. BUT!!! In practice, one of the things we practiced was to line up and let the opposing lineman hit you and knock you down. Now, I really wasn't built that way. My reflexes MADE me knock him down when he charged me. I just couldn't help it. Anyhow, "Coach Hood" gave me down the river and rode me hard cause I wouldn't stand there and let somebody knock the shit outta me. After the 15th or 20th time of getting my young ass chewed out for blocking the opposing lineman in practice, I told him to stick it. I QUIT! Course I caught hell over that from my teammates. The coach put em all up to calling me a quitter and so forth. The usual childish bullshit. But I stayed quit.
Anyhow, continuing with the 7th grade, let me talk a bit about Mrs. Woods. As I have said, Mrs. Woods taught science. I'm sorry, but Mrs. Woods did not know shit about science. I, on the other hand was quite a junior scientist in those days. Science has ALWAYS been my forte'.
Anyhow, once upon a time she told us to all build a science project for class. Putting my devious little mind to it, I took a coffee can and wrapped about 15 feet of bare copper wire around it, put a plug and switch on it and took it to class and told her I had made a toaster!
Well, she didn't know any better, and I didn't tell her any different, SHE PLUGGED IT IN! A DEAD SHORT! Put most of the Moorhead Elementary School in the dark for about a half hour! I laughed my young ass off! After the lights got fixed she asked me what was wrong with my toaster and I told her that it was "Really designed to run off 220 volts, that 110 just wasn't powerful enough to run it!" I got an A+ on the project!
Anyhow, as you can tell, I bullshat my way thru science class. English was a different matter.
Mrs.Ryals was the English teacher. Bless her heart, she was an old woman. She seriously wanted us to learn to speak and write proper English! Heathens that we were, we managed to actually give her a nervous breakdown time we got to the 8th grade. Oh Well, Nobody ever said the job would be easy!
I am still going to the High School and College and playing in their bands, so I am now leaving the 7th grade! Stay tuned for the 8th grade, a year that will live in infamy! Unfortunately, to me!