Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Southern Living, Pt.9th GRADE. High Skool!

Damn, a lot happened tween the last of the 8th grade and the beginning of the 9th! Namely, all, well MOST of the girls grew TITTIES! GOD bless the female anatomy! I started the 9th grade in AWE! DAMN, all them little bitty girls had spread OUT! I loved it!
Anyhow, gitting control of my memories, I started the 9th grade! I done had me a baby brother. Had done quitted foosball. Had outgrew all them juvinile, elementary skool thangs. HELL! I was a high skooler! Unfortunately, in them days, we had what was called "Freshman day!" This was a day from hell, I tell ya, HELL! Course, for those amongst ya to really know me, it didn't REALLY matter a bit! My job in "freshman day was to #1, Wear a diaper, #2, ride my moped across the campus singing at the top of my lungs,"I'm a back door man!", and nummer 3, sip from a baby bottle during the parade!
Big deal! I happened upon a IV bottle, you member these? It held about a quart. I stretched onna my baby brudder's nipples acrost the mouff of it and drank "TEA" from it all day! Ran my moped all over the campus and sang at the top of my little voice changing lungs!
I was STILL in the High Skool Band, Still in the college band! And as horney a little a bastard as ANYBODY could STAND!!!
Nuff said fer tonite. Hang in LIMBO, I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!

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