Friday, July 10, 2009

A Non-Political, Non-Healthcare Blog

Here's one for ya.
I just came in from my run to Big Tim's for a beer restock.
A 24 ounce beer in a can cost's 99 cents. A 16 ounce bottle of water, in plastic, costs $1.29.
Now, I aint a rocket scientist, but I do know that more than 16 oz. of water is involved in making 24 oz. of beer.
Who'd have ever thought that we'ed be BUYING water by the bottle and secondly, a plastic bottle is cheap and somewhat recyclable whereas a can is EASILY recyclable.
Aluminum seemingly has NO health adverse type problems but plastic has some chemical in it that leeches out into the contents which DOES have some health adversities.
Think about it!

1 comment:

  1. It has to be simply an issue of supply and demand. There is more of a demand for bottled water than beer.

    I have read more than one account of bottled water being no better than water that comes out of some taps. Of course I guess that would depend on which tap. Ours comes out of the Tennessee River, so bottled water might be the better choice.
