Monday, June 22, 2009

Here's What I Believe!

My Friend, The Grouch , has recently posted a few blogs titled "What I Believe" Well, here, in a short blog, is what I believe.
I believe that an adult individual, man or woman, straight or otherwise, Republican or Democrat, white, black, yellow, red or rainbow colored, SHOULD BE ABLE AND ENTITLED to do anything he damn well pleases, as long as it does not interfere with anybody else's right to do whatever THEY damn well please!
That sounds kind of ambiguous at first, but THINK about it! After all, thinking is the reason I started this blog.
I "should" have the right to own as many guns as I want. Whatever kind. If I want a full machine gun, I should have the right! If I want to make my own liquor, I should have the right. If I want to prostitute myself, I should have the right. It don't matter what, I should have the right, as long as it does not step on YOUR rights!
Now, you have the right not to even believe in guns, drink beer or liquor, associate with prostitutes, speak to me. You have the right to do or believe anything you want, as long as it does not interfere with my rights!
You see where I am going?
Our "LAWS" have been made, and there are plenty of them, to "PROTECT" us from one another. In reality, I don't CARE what you do, as long as you leave me the hell alone! And for the majority, I believe that is what you care about. BUT! Our government has decided for us that we NEED TO BE PROTECTED FROM EACH OTHER!
I don't need the Government to protect me from you, nor you from me. If you don't like me stepping on your toes, TELL ME! I will do the same, believe me.
I believe our Government should ONLY be allowed to print money and run the armed forces! PERIOD! THAT"S ALL WE NEED EM FOR!
We can as civilized people can handle the rest! If you are NOT civilized, the PEOPLE can handle that too!


  1. Lizzard, you're a libertarian.

  2. Well, Dad, we do seem to agree on the fundamentals.

    My philosophy on life fits right along with your blog :

    "Whatever floats your boat, as long as you don't sink mine."

    With the obvious exceptions of murder, rape, and such I could CARELESS what other people do or believe as long as they don't push it on me and it doesn't harm me.

  3. but, adding to that... where we differ is in the fact that I don't think it is fair to pick and choose who gets rights and who doesn't...

    example - you are against gay marriage, but against gun control

    i personally think gays should have that right - doesn't concern me or harm me AND i do agree that some of gun laws (if not all) are pretty ridiculous because if someone WANTS a gun to commit a crime, they will get one... and it won't be registered anyways.

    Protect the country, print currency and leave the rest to LOCAL governments!
    Murder? Hang em
    Rape? Hang em
    Heinous Crimes? Hang em
    Robbery? Put em in stocks and horse whip em
    Speeding? Fine em
    Jaywalking? If they didn't get run over, leave em alone
    Forgery? See robbery
    What else is there?

  5. Yes, Lizzard you are a libertarian. But the truth here is simple, the older a country becomes the more repressive it becomes. You see, more laws are passed to protect us from ourselves and all the politicans can return home between sessions and tell the voters what they did to the OTHER guy to help you. They they go to the other guy and tell him what they did to YOU. If this sound confusing then they are happy you don't get the message.

  6. Nothing wrong with being a libertatian. I am mostly libertarian.
