Thursday, June 18, 2009

The MEDIA, who do you believe?

Hey! It's Thursday afternoon, Friday for me! I am glad. All I have to do for the next three days is cut a little grass, clean up my hamshack and do whatever my wife tells me to do.
But anyway, we're discussing the media. Now, you may not believe this but I know a little bit about our news and entertainment media. I have spent about one half of my 60+ years as a TV repairman and as an electronic technician. Now, as a tv repairman, I was forced to watch a LOT of TV. While watching all this tv, I soon discovered that the tv news reported WHAT THEY WANTED TO REPORT! Usually sensationalized blood and gore and bad news! Seldom if ever did I see a boy scout helping an old lady across the road, a fireman rescuing a kitten from a tree, a cop lifting some old man out of the bathtub from where he had lost consciousness, or any other of the trivial good things that good people do in the course of everyday life.
Instead, we see cops beating up poor innocent people, firemen driving recklessly, boy scouts turning queer. ANYTHING TO SELL AIR TIME!
This is the watchword of all media. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS.
The media is all out for your buck!
The tv genre is all slanted toward their individual viewpoints! The major networks are ALL pro Obama, because that's where the money is. Fox, is generally anti-Obama, cause that's where THEIR money is. But this is just the NEWS I'm referring to right now.
Let's talk about the "entertainment" programming. Every program I see is slanted toward pro-socialism, pro homosexuality, pro-murder, rape, mayhem. Where has the Andy Griffith show, the Leave it to Beaver, the Dick Van Dyke, the I Love Lucy shows all gone? All these shows promoted Christian, family values. They don't sell advertising time. Nowadays Barney Fife would be beating up Lucy Arnez for jaywalking while Dick VanDyke would be raping June Cleaver!
Turn off your TV, unplug your radio and play Scrabble with your kids! Please! Bring family life back and screw the media!

1 comment:

  1. reality tv = the death of prime time television.

    news - all slanted. all sensationalized. the "news" programs are vying for ratings too.
